"We think that a line is straight and a circle is round, but if we will unravel the lie, we can unravel the secret. Words are figurative."

My Absurdity

1. Let positive work be success: no matter how large value of positive work you multiply with negative work, the product is always negative. Hence no negative work succeeds.

2. Invest to the things you hate. Try to quit smoking if you're a smoker. But to smoke if you are not a smoker is a different thing.

3. A father is strong when his child thinks he is.

4. A person is like a fruit; its true flavor comes out when it is ripe.

5. It is not in the nature of mathematics to make problems difficult to be solved. That is the reason why we have formulas.

6. You can find a beautiful woman in a group of ugly woman; a fertile soil from mountain of garbage.

7. The unlikeable thing about knowledge is that it is not inherited.

8. Some people avoid love; when a butterfly is caught on a web, it can never escape. But if it can escape, the experience will leave scars on its wings. People are afraid of being hurt - well not all of us.

9. A loving eye cannot see a flaw.

10. When you're in your girlfriend's house and scared to meet the folks because it's your first time to meet them, try to start the conversation with a "Hi!" or "You've got a beautiful home Mr. Carter." But watch out! Mrs. Carter may give you a did-you-just-said-that-to-my-face look because she'll think that you're insulting them for the fact that their house is not that adorable, or else if Mr. Carter will have a chance, he will kick you on the butt. But I'm not saying that start the conversation with "Good afternoon Mr. Carter! (looks on the house's interior) Gross! (yuck!)" If you are going to describe something that in under your girlfriend's parent's property, use your adjective well.
Life is just full of irony.

11. Problems are sharpeners; we, pencils. Problems sharpens us so that we can show how legible your penmanship is.

12. Each of us is a word in a paragraph, some are written with unique meaning while some are erased because they are becoming a dangling modifier.

13. Sometimes we have to say goodbye to prove that we truly love that only person who makes us shake whenever she's around. But the worst case, she is the one who wants us to say goodbye.

14. Regret happens on the last place of a failed action. And it is conscience if it seems at the first place.

15. Face the deathful winter, let go of your leaves. But letting go of your leaves will bring coldness to you every night. After all what happened, wake up, shake your branches so the snow will be thrown and melt away because the fire in your heart reblazes. Your leaves will soon grow and will give you heat, the warmth that you have missed throughout the winter.

16. Have you ever notice when we ask God something about our life, He answers us in a unique way? He sets us off to an amazing journey for us to find the answer for our own question.

17. If religion is fraud, then faith is indeed lie. Who do we believe then? Who deserves our faith when the system that builds our faith is weakening?

18. Wasting so much of your time for wandering in the forest of wandering is a waste of your time. Reading this silly adage is, I hope you notice, a waste of time too.